Our storytelling explores the question: What is the next economy and how do we get there? We work with a range of partners to create, curate and publish deep conversations, stories and ideas that empower our communities to build this emergent future.

Alexa Firmenich Alexa Firmenich

Selling Nature in order to save it?

Introducing writer and podcast host Alexa Firmenich. Alexa has joined Impact Safari Scandinavia 2023 and we are excited to share with you some of her writing. Image courtesy of Unsplash.

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Berry Liberman Berry Liberman

Tell us what you really think

Berry Liberman’s experience of speaking up in a world that can’t stop talking (and doesn’t always want to listen).

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Guest User Guest User

Jeff Goodell is feeling the heat

SGA contributor Kurt Johnson spoke with Rolling Stone journalist and climate commentator Jeff Goodell about his latest book, Heat. Image courtesy of The Wheeler Centre.

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Guest User Guest User

Coming in to come out

What does it mean to come out? To yourself initially, and then to the most important people in your life? Nathan Scolaro shares this deeply personal essay of discovery, and arrives at heart-opening conclusions about the value of adversity in forging character.

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Kirsty de Garis Kirsty de Garis

The Good Society

A selection of readings and listenings and watchings exploring what it means to build a more forward-thinking, inclusive and heart-centred world.

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SmallGiants SmallGiants

Vandana Shiva is Mother Earth

From the Archive: the trailblazing activist in conversation with Patrick Pittman, from Dumbo Feather issue #33. “You begin with your back yard. You begin with the pot on your balcony.”

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Kirsty de Garis Kirsty de Garis

Meet Joel Carnegie

Joel Carnegie, founder of The Space Company, completed The Interconnected Leader in 2022. Here Joel shares his favourite books and the importance of singing around a piano for restoring the spirit.

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Kirsty de Garis Kirsty de Garis

Notes from a warming planet

With news headlines reporting the hottest week in 100,000 years, how might we turn to preserving our natural world, before the clock runs out?

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Berry Liberman Berry Liberman

Krista Tippett enriches the debate

From the archive! Berry Liberman in conversation with Krista Tippett, from the pages of Dumbo Feather magazine. Sign up for our exclusive event with Krista (see link at end of story).

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Kirsty de Garis Kirsty de Garis

Simon Fieldhouse

What leads a professional away from a corporate career and into more purpose-led work? MBE facilitator Simon Fieldhouse shares his journey and inspirations.

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SmallGiants SmallGiants

Capitalism 3.0

How might we reimagine the capitalist system, which serves some but certainly not all, and has proven to disregard our planet’s thriving in the balance sheet? Jed Emerson and Sheila Bonini share their expertise in how to chart a new course.

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SmallGiants SmallGiants

Jed Emerson is the Impact Investment guy

Small Giants co-founder Danny Almagor in conversation with leading Impact Investor Jed Emerson. This conversation ran in issue #42 of Dumbo Feather. We’re sharing it anew ahead of our July 2023 event with Jed.

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Caitlin Stanway Caitlin Stanway

How might we heal broken business models?

Businesses and for-purpose organisations are guided by the Board directors elected to shape strategy and mange risk. To shape the direction of the Next Economy, Board directors must nurture a different skill set than what’s traditionally been embraced. Small Giants’ Francie Doolan expands on why Next Economy Governance is the must-learn course for all Board directors interested in a new form of leadership.

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SmallGiants SmallGiants

Leadership in the Boardroom: Next Economy Governance

Co-chair of B Lab Australia, Mele-Ane Havea, explores the evolving roles and responsibilities of Board Directors. On the eve of the launch of our first-ever Next Economy Governance course, learn how your Board DIrector role can better serve the all stakeholders.

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Kirsty de Garis Kirsty de Garis

Cape Paterson

We are thrilled to share this video of a project that Small Giants Capital is involved with: a wonderful eco-friendly development at Cape Paterson on Victoria’s Bass Coast. Enjoy!

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Kirsty de Garis Kirsty de Garis

MBE Fellow Jo Brick

What drew you to the MBE program at the Small Giants Academy? I saw the MBE as an opportunity to learn different perspectives about purpose driven leadership, particularly in facing contemporary challenges – such as how to reconcile traditional corporate outcomes (profit) with sustainability and stewardship of the environment.

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