The Good Society

At Small Giants, we have what we refer to as our “Five Pillars” of the Next Economy. These five pillars are:

  • Self and Belonging (our human foundation)

  • Nature and Environment (our natural limits)

  • Equality and Democracy (how we govern)

  • Business and Economics (how we work)

  • The Built Environment (how we live)

Everything that we do explores and expands upon one of these five pillars. Today we’ve chosen Self and Belonging as a compass point to dive into. Read on for a recommend mind- and heart-expanding content list. Some of these articles are essential reading for our Mastery of Business and Empathy program.

  • George Monbiot in the Guardian: How do we get out of this mess? This is a heart-filled, kinder and more optimistic counterpoint to his book, How Did We Get Into This Mess?

  • Join more than five million others who’ve watched Tshering Tobgay’s TED talk about Bhutan’s decision to remain carbon positive for all time.

  • Aziz Abu Sarah believe that travel can be a force for good. Read more about his work in this New York Times article.

  • Aussie-born philosopher Roman Kznaric explores six ways to expand our thinking towards the long-term, using a “cathedral thinking” mindset for the good of all Earth’s stakeholders in The Good Ancestor.

  • Check out Danny’s article, “The Midwife and the Hospice Worker”, that originally ran in Dumbo Feather issue #55.

  • And to round it out, because the author of this blog post tried and failed to finish Infinite Jest, this extraordinary commencement speech by its author, David Foster Wallace, This is Water.


Coming in to come out


Inside the Mastery Business Empathy with Tamsin Jones