Our storytelling explores the question: What is the next economy and how do we get there? We work with a range of partners to create, curate and publish deep conversations, stories and ideas that empower our communities to build this emergent future.
The Beautiful Portfolio Theory
Why do our traditional economic systems ignore the things we care about most – and is there a better way?
My three tips for facing 2024
As we navigate the complexities and conflict around us, we owe it to ourselves and to each other to keep our eyes, ears, hearts and minds open.
Systemic Investing: moving money in service to life
To drive systems change, our investment logic needs to also have a theory of change that is aligned with the reality of how change actually happens in the real, complex and messy world.
Interconnected Leadership – what is it, and why is it time?
Interconnected leadership is not just a good idea — it might be our only way forward when the stakes against a reasonable future are (boiling) high.
Family Business and Family Office as a Force for Good: My Transformation Journey
Berry Liberman, Co-Founder and Creative Director of Small Giants, shared her transformative journey at the 2023 Business and Philanthropy Forum in Singapore on 9th Nov, 2023.
A lonely, wandering voice for peace in troubled times
“Hope feels like such a weak thing right now,” he says, “but what is the alternative? It is our obligation to keep trying even when hope seems very small and unlikely.
What do we mean by philanthropy – and is it enough?
For us to truly want to heal the world with love, we have to be values driven in all that we do, including our work, our investing and even our general lives.
I’ll see you in the meadow
Courage and kindness feel so radical right now. I’m here for it. There is much to celebrate and enjoy in this life – take note, be alive to it all, hug your beloveds – it is that joy and love that must feed the work. We must fall in love with life every day. That is what is worth protecting.
October update from Mossy Willow Farm
It is a beautiful time of year at Mossy Willow- the apple trees are in blossom, there are families of wood ducks on the ponds and summer crops are starting to flower getting ready to fruit very soon.
In conversation with peacemaking mystic, Orland Bishop.
Berry Liberman in conversation with mystic Orland Bishop. This interview first ran in Dumbo Feather #72, Leadership for a Hopeful Future.
We can still see justice as an eye for an eye, even if it makes us all blind.
Danny’s recent letter to our Fellows community advocates a heart-centred approach to living. What message could be more important today, given the weight of the crises we face.
The ‘Wall of Wood’: A 1000-year-old tree has been discovered.
During a week that delivers heart-breaking news from the other side of the world, we are thrilled to learn of the discovery of a 46-metre-tall tree that’s more than 100 years old.
Reflections from Scandinavia
Berry Liberman reflects on her experience at Impact Safari Scandinavia. She is still processing much of what was unpacked during the 11-day trip.
An Introduction to the Metacrisis
Watch Daniel Schmachtenberger explain the challenge of the metacrisis in this presentation recorded at Impact Week in Sweden, September 2023.
Can you lead from a place of discomfort?
Tamsin sat down to talk to Gayle about emotional regulation and its vital role in leading a team. Below are Tamsin's words about Gayle's insights, along with a video of the wisdom shared.
Acts of Kindness in Three Dimensions of Relationships
The benefits of introducing more kindness into everyday life impact everyone around you, explains Melanie Owens. Download these kindness cards for a bit of daily kindness inspo.
What’s in a name? Navigating Name Biases in the Australian Job Market
For Khalid Malik, changing his name would mean erasing a part of who he is. “I've been Khalid through school, university, and my professional journey in Australia. Why should I change now?”
Securing a Good Society
When we think about national security, thoughts likely turn to surveillance technology and military capability. But there are alternative measures of security when it comes to supporting a flourishing society. Mastery of Business and Empathy Fellow Jo Brick shares her expertise about the fundamentals of a good society.
Mitzi Goldman understands impact
CEO of Documentary Australia Foundation, Mitzi Goldman shares her experience of launching Documentary Australia, the power of effective storytelling and what makes an unforgettable social impact film. Mitzi completed The Interconnected Leader at SGA in 2022.