Our storytelling explores the question: What is the next economy and how do we get there? We work with a range of partners to create, curate and publish deep conversations, stories and ideas that empower our communities to build this emergent future.

Danny Almagor Danny Almagor

My three tips for facing 2024

As we navigate the complexities and conflict around us, we owe it to ourselves and to each other to keep our eyes, ears, hearts and minds open.

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Berry Liberman Berry Liberman

I’ll see you in the meadow

Courage and kindness feel so radical right now. I’m here for it. There is much to celebrate and enjoy in this life – take note, be alive to it all, hug your beloveds – it is that joy and love that must feed the work. We must fall in love with life every day. That is what is worth protecting.

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Angie Roach Angie Roach

October update from Mossy Willow Farm 

It is a beautiful time of year at Mossy Willow- the apple trees are in blossom, there are families of wood ducks on the ponds and summer crops are starting to flower getting ready to fruit very soon.

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Tamsin Jones Tamsin Jones

Can you lead from a place of discomfort?

Tamsin sat down to talk to Gayle about emotional regulation and its vital role in leading a team. Below are Tamsin's words about Gayle's insights, along with a video of the wisdom shared.

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Jo Brick Jo Brick

Securing a Good Society

When we think about national security, thoughts likely turn to surveillance technology and military capability. But there are alternative measures of security when it comes to supporting a flourishing society. Mastery of Business and Empathy Fellow Jo Brick shares her expertise about the fundamentals of a good society.

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Kirsty de Garis Kirsty de Garis

Mitzi Goldman understands impact

CEO of Documentary Australia Foundation, Mitzi Goldman shares her experience of launching Documentary Australia, the power of effective storytelling and what makes an unforgettable social impact film. Mitzi completed The Interconnected Leader at SGA in 2022.

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