Our commitment to and belief in inner, personal transformation and systems change guides everything we do.

The Healing Vortex:
Wisdom & Action

In our current economic and social system, based on scarcity and competition, people are generally disconnected. Disconnection is not wrong or evil, it is a natural response to fear, ignorance, distrust and greed. These things have served humanity well in certain times and have evolved within us to respond to circumstances of scarcity, stress and danger as a survival mechanism. However, it does not serve us well in bringing joy, harmony or connection to our lives. If we can agree that those are the preferred states of being, we must create a social system that guides us to that outcome.

The pathway to wholeness and love are through wisdom and action. This is the healing vortex. We need to do the work to integrate wisdom and action by journeying journey down the vortex, and the more nourishing the environment around us, the easier the work is.

The more nourishing the environment around us, the easier the journey down the healing vortex is. That is why the current consumerist economy, political divisions, global warming, social inequality, gender violence, poverty and so much more is making the journey so hard. Despite almost everyone wanting to feel love and connection, so many people are living in fear and stress.

The duality of wisdom and action can be seen as the inner and the outer work (of course, it is not actually a duality – it is a three dimensional integrated space). The inner work of raising our consciousness, wisdom and connection, and the outer work of creating the physical, social and economic conditions within which we as humans can thrive. Put simply, we need to create the right mindset and the right setting for humans to flourish and find connection and love in a thriving living ecosystem.

The Next Economy

We work toward building an economy and society that supports human flourishing while living in harmony with the natural world. We call this The Next Economy.

The Next Economy guides us as both a set of operational principal’s and a north star, and has been developed and informed from the foundational work of Kate Raworth’s pioneering concept, Doughnut Economics.

  • The change we seek begins in ourselves and our local communities.

    We strive to nurture connection and belonging.

  • The climate and biodiversity emergency threatens humanity and the natural world.

    We strive for a stable climate and thriving natural world.

  • The world remains unequal and our methods of governance are imperfect and fragile.

    We strive for equality and a healthy democracy.

  • The pursuit of profit over people and the environment must end.

    We strive to create new systems that enable business as a genuine force for good.

  • Our built environment can serve humanity whilst respecting the natural environment.

    We strive for sustainable cities including all infrastructure, buildings, energy, manufacturing and waste systems.


The highest expression of the self, is empathy. When we understand that we are all connected, we feel

another person’s pain and joy as if it were our own. This connection can also be described as love or wholeness and at its most developed, extends to all living beings. We believe to transition to the next economy empathy needs to be centralised in everything we do, from our most intimate personal relationships, to governance systems, business, economy, and of course, leadership. Building empathy and emotional 

Explore our flagship longform program, Mastery of Business and Empathy.

Our Learning Philosophy

Our programs are many and varied. However, they share a common philosophy and core principles of learning.

  • Know thyself, love thyself, love thy neighbour, love thy planet

  • Integration of masculine and feminine, left and right, personal and professional

  • Yearning for wisdom never ends and learning can be found in any experience

  • Dedication to the power of proximity, connection and empathy

  • Learning involves both the rational and the intuitive self

  • Our community teaches us, holds us, and can keeps us accountable to something greater than ourselves.