Issue 55: Creating the Next Economy
In this edition, we hear from some of the wisest, most perceptive minds and hearts of our time who are shepherding us out of a culture of competing self-interests and vacuous growth, and into one that fosters generosity to each other and deeper connection to the planet.
Dumbo Feather Issue 55 features these incredible people:
Muhammad Yunus Revolutionised Banking
Kate Raworth is a Renegade Economist
Michelle Long Protects What is Sacred
Dan Ariely is Predictably Irrational
Charles Eisenstein Knows a More Beautiful World
Don Shaffer Invests in Relationships
Konda Mason has Love Capital
Helena Norberg-Hodge Revitalises the Commons
Purchase a copy of the magazine to read their stories or access a digital copy with Zinio.
In this edition, we hear from some of the wisest, most perceptive minds and hearts of our time who are shepherding us out of a culture of competing self-interests and vacuous growth, and into one that fosters generosity to each other and deeper connection to the planet.
Dumbo Feather Issue 55 features these incredible people:
Muhammad Yunus Revolutionised Banking
Kate Raworth is a Renegade Economist
Michelle Long Protects What is Sacred
Dan Ariely is Predictably Irrational
Charles Eisenstein Knows a More Beautiful World
Don Shaffer Invests in Relationships
Konda Mason has Love Capital
Helena Norberg-Hodge Revitalises the Commons
Purchase a copy of the magazine to read their stories or access a digital copy with Zinio.
In this edition, we hear from some of the wisest, most perceptive minds and hearts of our time who are shepherding us out of a culture of competing self-interests and vacuous growth, and into one that fosters generosity to each other and deeper connection to the planet.
Dumbo Feather Issue 55 features these incredible people:
Muhammad Yunus Revolutionised Banking
Kate Raworth is a Renegade Economist
Michelle Long Protects What is Sacred
Dan Ariely is Predictably Irrational
Charles Eisenstein Knows a More Beautiful World
Don Shaffer Invests in Relationships
Konda Mason has Love Capital
Helena Norberg-Hodge Revitalises the Commons
Purchase a copy of the magazine to read their stories or access a digital copy with Zinio.