Our storytelling explores the question: What is the next economy and how do we get there? We work with a range of partners to create, curate and publish deep conversations, stories and ideas that empower our communities to build this emergent future.
Getting from the Now to the Next Economy
How you can play your part in influencing systemic shape
The Rewards of Investing Locally
One of the best ways of mitigating risk is to have a personal relationship with the person or business you’re investing in.
Protecting our Wild Soundscapes
Soundscapes offer a powerful way to measure the health of an ecosystem not visible to the naked eye.
Local Currencies: the Time is Right
If we want to strengthen our local economies, then we need to use our money to make that change. A powerful opportunity here is in deploying local currencies.
Soil: the Magic Ingredient
Legendary peace and environmental activist Satish Kumar is impressed by a musician-farmer’s recipe for bread.
Resetting with Positive Impact
There may be no better community of practice than impact investing and responsible investment to influence how we re-set from this time.
14 Ways of Looking at Community
Whether we know it or not, like it or not, honour it or not, we are embedded in community.
The Other Kind of Love
Ah, love. It’s one of those words, isn’t it? We can say, “I love your scarf” with the same kind of intensity as when we say, “I will love you forever.”
Building a Business that Supports Biodiversity
My father was ahead of his time, a farmer focused on conservation back in the ’70s.
Towards Earth-Centred Governance
I grew up in a small country town on the edge of the Australian outback, 800km from the nearest small city, and several light years away from the world of environmentalism.
Don Shaffer Invests in Relationships
Don Shaffer is at the deep end of the pool when it comes to thinking about financial capital and investing.
Konda Mason Has Love Capital
Konda Mason is an Oscar-nominated filmmaker, Grammy Award-winning music producer and the co-founder and former CEO of Impact HUB Oakland.
The Future of Our Daily Bread
There are two distinct futures of food and farming. One leads to the regeneration of our planet, our soils, our biodiversity, our water, our rural economies and farmers’ livelihoods, our health, our democracy.
The Midwife and the Hospice Worker
The burst of colour from the prayer flags contrasted against the natural hues of the mountain scenery. A second look revealed thousands more flags that had faded to white.
Global or Local? Two Paths to the Future
For our species to have a future, it must be local. The good news is that the path to such a future is already being forged.