Ending the year with reflection, connection and community
Emerging from two years of lockdowns, it’s fair to say most of us thought 2022 would be a breath of fresh air. In many ways it was, and in other ways 2022 delivered own set of challenges that in turn gifted us with many new beginnings and growth.
For the team and community at Small Giants Academy this year has been all about exploring new ways of working together, learning how to heal and support ourselves and each other, understanding how our local and global systems are adapting to the ongoing social and environmental changes of our time – and how we as a collective can best contribute.
It’s been a transformative and heartwarming experience to venture through a year of new programs and events with a community of inspiring leaders all searching for, and working towards creating a hopeful future.
As an organisation 2022 has been a year of laying strong groundwork across our programs and initiatives, and welcoming new team members with fresh ideas and perspectives, making our work so much richer.
We were overjoyed to steward our third cohort of Mastery of Business and Empathy graduates through the course, with new guides and an ever evolving and strengthening curriculum, with an overflow of interest and full intake for 2023. We introduced a new program, Interconnected Leader, to facilitate the development of leaders looking to connect with, and lead from the heart.
Journey to Impact and Storytelling for Change returned for another intake with beautiful transformations and learnings for our participants that we’re excited to see already shaping their contributions to the next economy.
In October we took an intimate group on an Impact Safari to Israel and Palestine to explore dual narratives and sense making as leaders, with upcoming trips to takayna/Tarkine and Bhutan on early 2023 set to deliver more immersive impact experiences.
We’ve been blown away by the passion, vision and drive of the community of leaders and new partners including Patagonia and Bob Brown Foundation who embarked on Small Giants Academy programs with us this year.
We know that connection is at the heart of individual and collective transformation and healing, so it was an absolute honour and joy to round out 2022 in true SGA style by launching out Small Giants Academy Fellow’s program, and bringing us together for our inaugural end of year gathering to celebrate all that has come, and all that is still to come.
Over one glorious, sun-filled weekend in early December our fellows – a mixture of Mastery of Business and Empathy graduates, Deep Dive participants, Impact Safari travelers and Dumbo Feather alumni – gathered at Mossy Willow farm.
Together we leaned into big conversations, shared knowledge, learnt new skills, rested, relaxed, shared meals and, most importantly, spent time connecting deeply with one another.
It’s in these community spaces where the magic is truly made. Where we get to share the lessons we’ve learnt from deep inner work, where collaborations percolate, where our visions are shared and our transformations witnessed.
As we prepare to unplug and reset for a new year, we're full of joy, gratitude and excitement to continue building the next economy with our incredible community of fellows.
We can’t wait to come back refreshed and ready for another amazing year in 2023, we hope you’ll join us!
Interested in becoming a Small Giant’s Fellow? Our fellowship program is open to anyone who joins a Small Giants Academy program. Register your interest and sign up for a Deep Dive, Mastery of Business and Empathy or join us on an Impact Safari in 2023 to join the community.